Online Lectures (PodCasts) under Evaluation of Analytical Data

Evaluation of Analytical Data

Analytical Processing of Data is Essential in all Aspects of Modern Living

Dr. Stephen Lukacs (January 2020)

Every laboratory collects numerical data. This lecture teaches you how to process that data properly and with a formalism necessary for proper interpretation of the data. Such processes, if properly applied, remove bias, prejudice, and opinion and force a staying the course with the truth and reality.

Required Written Lecture

(January 2020) Knowing how to critically analyze experimental data is absolutely crucial to your survival in the laboratory and in science, i.e., biomedical science. Whenever numbers or data are involved it is vital to understand and know how to process those numbers properly to understand what the data is saying to you to help you derive the proper conclusions.

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Lecture on the Evaluation of Analytical Data

(January 2020) This podcast should be an introduction, or a summary, or perhaps even a review down the line. It is not as detailed as the textbook or the above acrobat file. It is really intended to extend the feel of the material and you are still responsible for learning the material from the textbook.

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Fitting Examples and Techiques SpreadSheet

(January 2020) The "fitting__various_examples.xlsx" file. There are many tabbed sheets at the bottom. One Tab/Sheet for each separate example.

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Reference on Excel Solver

(January 2020) Concise simple accurate example of using Excel Solver.

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