Analytical Chemistry
CHM3120 - AKA: Quantitative Analysis
Professor: Dr. Stephen Lukacs: (January 2019) The study and practice of collecting data analytically or quantitatively to the 4th, or greater, significant figure.
Chemistry for Liberal Arts
FSCJ CHM1020 Online Lectures
Professor: Dr. Stephen Lukacs: (October 2017) Liberal arts chemistry designed for liberal arts, undecided, elective, and online nursing students at FSCJ.
General Chemistry 1 & 2
CHM2045/6 - General Chemistry I & II
Professor: Dr. Stephen Lukacs: (August 2020) General Chemistry is the first course on chemistry for those going into the advanced technical fields, like medicine, engineering, and science. A detailed understanding of the matter and energy of the universe is important to these professions.
Instrumental Analysis
CHM3130 - AKA: Chemistry Instrumentation, or, Instrumental
Professor: Dr. Stephen Lukacs: (May 2012) Instrumental is the coolest core-class required for majors in chemistry and biomedical sciences. It combines chemistry with CSI-type instrumentation to characterize chemical substances or select specific substances from mixtures. You're going to have a lot of fun in this course.
I have designed this class to include the nut-and-bolts of what is inside the black boxes. This way you will understand the nature and essence of the instruments you will be using in your future career. You will learn the basics of circuits and signal amplification, acquisition, and processing, computer programming, and how the data ties back to the chemical substances.
Introduction to/Principles of General Chemistry
Introduction to (CHM1025) and Principles of (CHM1032) General Chemistry
Professor: Dr. Stephen Lukacs: (May 2012) Introductory chemistry spearheads the necessary foundation for all following chemical and biological chemistries. In this series Dr. Lukacs presents the most difficult concepts and problems for most students to grasp.
Physical Chemistry
Both semesters of classical Physical Chemistry I and II
Professor: Dr. Stephen Lukacs: (September 2012) Physical Chemistry comprises the basis of thermodynamics, equilibria, kinetics, quantum mechanics, atomic structure, molecular bonding, and spectroscopy. Essentially, all physical forces and energies at the atomic and molecular level.